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Writer's pictureYAM Patel

The Stranger and The Healer/Witch. What is a healer?

Updated: Jul 14

(Audio of this podcast will soon be on the class page and the private healing retreat page)

The broken man sat at the edge of the ocean, pondering his cracks and fissures that had grown over time so that he now sat in hopelessness. His body took on a new form resembling a slump and he could feel gravity pulling his face towards the earth. He had tried healer after healer, and no one seemed to be able to fix him. In fact, some had left him feeling worse and out of sorts.

He felt the presence before he noticed the shadow. It was long and pointed, with dancing locks that flowed into the ocean. As he slowly heard his head crank to the left, he was startled to find a witch sitting cross legged beside him, a smile so wide, it reached over and tickled him.

´Who are you, are you real?´

`Is anything real?´ she replied and then tickled him further with her deep sensuous laugh.

´But for this encounter yes, I am real, and I am healer. I heard you pondering about my tribe and thought it was time I set a few things straight in your human world, about healers.`

He could feel his body unwinding as it straightened up, for something told him, that this was important, and she demanded the best of him.

´Okay, this is excellent, as I am in pieces and need someone to glue me back together. What sort of healer are you?´

´The glue less kind off course, for what you seek is a carpenter, not a healer, healers don’t fix. But let me give you a little background about me, shall I, so that the words that leap from my mouth are given a context.´

I began my existence on this planet an unaware human. But in time I dedicated my life to living the yogic path, and it was on this path that I discovered, much to my surprise that I was a healer and a powerful feminine energy. Not only in this life time, but in the journeys my soul had taken prior to arriving in this body.  The revelation arrived through healing myself of conditionings and trauma and connecting to my true self. The place where I was able to channel light.

Now understand that for years this seemed unbelievable to even me. For a while I thought I was going insane, or that my imagination was creating something that was not there. Yet I was able to witness strange occurrences happening every time I played Tibetan sound bowls on someone. I watched light move through me, into the bowls, and through the person I was working with. I shared visions with those I sounded and often experienced what they experienced at both an emotional and physical level.

So rest assured, I am not here to sell you an idea but to tell you some truths`

´Truth´, he mumbled. ´that would be a nice change, from all the healing mumbo jumbo that is being thrown around in my world right now.`

´I heard that´ laughed the witch. ´Let's start with some basics shall we, as to why you perceive yourself as all shattered and are seeking out healing.

Every single one of you humans hold traumas, conditionings, and memories that are buried deep in your subconscious as well as your body. Unbeknownst to most of you, these influence your behaviors,, thoughts, actions, health, and emotions, without you being fully aware of it. Their influence runs wide and deep and often manifests as feelings such as anxiety, depression, fear etc. Or physically as aches, ailments, frozen body parts, and other outer manifestations of inner discord. You are often defensive, closed, and struggle with love. But more detrimental is that you attach to all you are experiencing believing it to be who you are.´

He nodded, hearing the creak in his neck, from it always being bent forward, rarely looking up, always down. ´So far I am with you, so as healers is it not your job to fix all that.´

´Sure if I were a magician, but I am a healer. There are two types of healers, there are those who have learned to heal and those who have arrived to heal. We will skim over the first type, so you understand who they are, and focus more on the latter.

Let’s start with those who have learned to heal. These healers should have learned about the body and mind through the study of multiple disciplines such as sound, anatomy, the brain, yoga, Tao healing, Chinese medicine etc, before they work on anybody.

As their job is to help you be aware of the influences of your traumas, conditionings, and harmful memories that are holding you back from expanding into peace, health and the courage to enact change. Or they will seek to move energy through you, as for anything to heal, it needs high resonating flowing energy. It is the difference in you between feeling like a vibrant bubbling stream, or a stagnant pond where there is no movement

To do this they will use tools such as yoga, somatic movement, and breath work. Understand, there is a difference between those that give you experiences and those that heal.

Lastly, all of them will have to understand how to move you into your para-sympathetic nervous system, where healing has the space and support to do its job. As well as how to work with thoughts, as thought is the most powerful vibration in all of us and can manifest negatively on every level of one's being, or positively, depending on the thoughts.

The man turned to the witch, his face an entire movie that told the story of his dive into the healing world. ´It all makes sense to me, but I have not experienced any of that with all the different modes of healing I have tried. ´

´I know, I can read it in your body and your energy, and I am deeply sorry for that. But trained healers are like trained anything, there are good, okay, and very bad ones. What few understand, is that it takes years and extensive knowledge of the human form to be a trained healer.`

`True` the man brightened up, as he understood that he may not really have met a healer until this very moment. `I know you are a healer but are you a trained healer as well´.

´I am, but it has taken me 17 years of studying all those areas we have spoken of. It is a more practical healing, done mostly in the context of the most ancient healing module in the world, yoga. But let’s move on, the sun is vanishing as the earth is rising and the cold will soon set into your bones, for they are fragile right now.´

He turned to her, amazed that she could read him so well.

´Now we have arrived at natural healers, those who have arrived on this earth to heal. These healers know their gift early on or have to wade through the human form to connect to it, as I had to. Their souls resonate at a higher frequency than those around them and they are able to shift out of their human form and into their true self, the spirit, when they give healing

Now this is important so listen carefully. A true healer is a conduit. A strong feminine energy, who channels intelligent light or energy if you want to call it that, filled with pure love from the universe into you. I say feminine energy, not woman because it is this energy that is the powerful energy of healing, nurturing, and creating. It is an energy that exists in all humans but often lays dormant or imbalanced in men more than women. Though these days it is the same for women as they live more in their masculine energies rather than their feminine, seeing the latter not as powerful but as week.

Natural healers are not formally trained and certified, because they are just conduits. As such no healing session will ever be the same as another one. As the healer moves the healing to where it is needed. Because a true healer is just a vessel moving intuitively, not engaging in the mind, but utilizing the human form, sound instruments, or other tools to move healing energy into the receiver.  

Many pure healers can also harness the power of the natural elements to heal the same elements that are within the receiver. Sound healers will often use sound to release buried traumas, emotions, and sometimes even sickness that are growing within before they expand further. Many healers will unblock chakras. All healers seek to work with the sources of your dis eases, rather than the dis eases themselves. It is like a flower, open the inside, allow light in, and the outside will begin to open up as well.

To understand the power of moving energy/light to shift you, think of how some frequencies can knock out an energy grid, or how ultrasounds can break down scar tissue. What is channeled into you by a true healer is stronger than this and purer as it is coming from the source of all existence.

On a more holistic level, what is channeled into you shifts you to a place of light and joy. It lifts you out of your darkness, so that you may be aware of all the light that surrounds it, within you. The healing light you could not see in yourself, so lost have you become in the jungle of the human form.

When you emerge from a session with a true healer you should be in a place, where you can now look under the dark canopies that were blanketing you, blocking out your light. From this new vantage point, you can now see and accept the darkness, as well as observe it and its source from a standpoint of awareness. Something that eludes us when we are deep into the jungle just fighting to survive.

With this awareness, you begin to understand that you are not that darkness, that it is just a cacophony of thoughts, memories, and experiences you are still holding, that are blocking out the true you, the soul of light. Suddenly you can now see that all around that darkness you were lost in, there is light because you are sitting in it and experiencing it. Healers open a portal into you for you to see and/or feel your healing light.

It is then that your work begins because remember, healing is a journey into you, with the guidance and support of the universe, channeled through a healer. We are just here to lift you and guide you, but only you can take the leap and fly. You have to do the work, because hoping from healer to healer, ayahuasca to lsd, and so forth will fix nothing, if you do nothing with the awareness and light they have given to you.

If the healer is a trained yogic healer as well, then they teach you the tools to help heal yourself of the source of your suffering, albeit physical, mental, or emotional, that you have slowly become aware of, through healers.

The man looked at the healer, with a newfound hope that created warmth in his belly. He would ask her to heal him, so he could then heal himself. It was comforting to know, that he held the power to make himself feel whole again.

He laughed out loud, a sound so unfamiliar to him, that he looked around to see where it was coming from. Only to realise it was the sound of his laughter. He felt a lightness that had eluded him for so long. He looked over at the witch and smiled his gratitude, for she had already begun to heal him, just by opening her energy and knowledge to him. He, like most humans, had forgotten, that most witches were powerful healers. And powerful she was, for he could already feel the light and love in him rising to the surface from the place he had buried it, under a mountain of darkness.

As he cranked his head back towards her, space had extended itself into her seat, as if she had never existed. But he knew that when he needed her, she would appear. For the healer always appeared when the receiver was open and ready to receive.

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